In keeping with our desire to offer passengers a privileged experience, we named Musk Dahabiya Boat after a precious and evocative substance. Ancient and modern aromatherapy ascribes regal traits to the purifying scent of musk, said to build the wearer’s courage and self-confidence, while making them irresistible to the opposite sex. Often associated with masculine strength, a single grain of musk can perfume millions of cubic feet of air and used as a fixative it makes scents endure for a very long time.
Musk’s impact on Islamic culture is significant: the Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) favored it, and legend maintains that the Garden of Paradise is inhabited by maidens who embody its fragrant qualities. The scent’s mystical properties were highly valued in Persia. There, musk was mixed into the mortared walls of mosques at Tabriz and Kara Amed so that when warmed by the sun, they would emit the perfume of paradise. We hope your Nile journey will be as intoxicating as the scent of Musk, and the memory as long-lasting. Onboard, you may choose from six cabins, each named for a heady fragrance.